Dr. Frank Soto Leon is the Head Instructor and Medical advisory board Chair of the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetic Surgery. He is one of Omaha’s most experienced laser liposuction physicians, having undergone extensive training in multiple disciplines, including Advanced Liposuction, Autologous Fat Transfer and 4D Hi Definition Liposculpture, utilizing SmartLipo Triplex and Vaser technologies.
Dr. Frank Soto Leon has performed thousands of advanced laser lipolysis/liposuction cases resulting in a mastery of aesthetic form that is required with the 4D Hi Definition techniques.
He received his Masters of Science in Pathology and Microbiology from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, then went on to receive his Medical Degree from Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. Electing to stay in Durham, Dr. Soto Leon completed his residency with the Duke University Department of Surgery. He has travelled the world, continuing his education of cosmetic surgery and learning the most advanced techniques from leaders in the field.